The PanMass Challenge (PMC) Bike Ride Fundraiser

The PMC is the nation’s premiere and original bike-a-thon fundraiser. Proceeds raised go directly to the Jimmy Fund at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. It’s a great event with a great fundraising target.
The event is held annually, the first full weekend in August, with multiple ride options ranging from 25 miles in one day to 192 miles over 2 days. 

PMC 2024 is ramping up

A one-day century ride to raise funds for cancer research and treatment.

Donate directly to Chuck’s 2024 ride.

Highlights of previous Pan Massachusetts Challenge rides:

The PMC 2023 was a huge success

A one-day century ride to raise funds for cancer research and treatment that raised $72 Million.

2022:The PMC 2022 was a family affair!  

The four Johnsons took on a 1 day 50 mile ride and a big fundraising goal.

2021: The full monty, 192 miles with Buddy Pete, tired, sore, glad to finish!

2020:  The LOST year.  Official ride was cancelled and I took a break.  Yet, many continued to fundraise and raised $50 million.  Not too shabby!

2019: This Year’s fundraising letter is here!

Spencer and I are gearing up for the ride this year.

2018 – Pedal, rinse, repeat…

Another late start to fundraising thanks to camping and cycling in Maine. Cadillac Mountain sunset is a great training venue. This year’s link to secure donation link is here.

No training ride over 50 miles this year – will it still work? Read more about it in the 2018 Fundraising Letter

Post Ride 2018:  Some major leg pain evolved – something about not stretching at all.  Let me tell you – those roller thingies have an amazing ability to transform into objects of torture.  Hey, it’s for a good cause.

2017 – What happens on the bike, stays on the bike…

Couldn’t do it with you! Late start on fundraising (and training) thanks to Western US family hiking vacation (avoiding Grizzlies…etc…). This year’s link to secure donation link is here.

The family is volunteering on Sunday in Wellfleet. Read more about it in the 2017 Fundraising Letter

2016 Lather, rinse, repeat…

New shoes, new pedals, same old body… The 2016 Fundraising Letter

2015 Return to Normalcy?

This will be year 21 – I think that’s a lucky number… The 2015 Fundraising Letter

2014 20th Anniversary Special

20 years, and (gulp), loving it. The 2014 Fundraising Letter Gearing up for the bonus ride.

2013 Riding with a 40 year old!

July 28nd, Better late? The 2013 Fundraising Letter – does having kids in summer sports and theatre justify late execution?

2012 PMC news blast! Jody Johnson returns to the PMC!

July 22nd, This just in: The Fundraising Letter

PMC 2011 (August 6th and 7th) The Fundraising Letter

July 26, 2011: Printing and mailing is a family affair. See pic of Mom at right.

July 24, 2011: 94 Mile training ride results in a crash and broken thumb. Nonetheless, the show will go on!

July 19, 2011: Trying to get the fundraising letter squared away and mailed out. Planning to do the big training ride to Center Sandwich this weekend.

Promising treatment news using new gene-based technology: Promising NYtimes Article

PMC 2010 (August 7th and 8th):

July 26: About to get the fundraising mailing out. Training has progressed ok – with a 95 mile, 7300 vertical foot training ride from our house to my folks – last year I cramped and didn’t finish, this year I crawled – but made it (barely)! It featured
the 4 H’s. Hot, Hazy, Humid, and Hilly.

The link for online donations is at:

The kids did an awesome job at the Kids PMC this year. They inspire me with their ability to ride in the rain, hopefully, I won’t have to do the same.

Here’s the elevation profile of the big training ride (since someone asked)…

Elevation profile of Ride from Atkinson, NH to Sandwich, NH

PMC 2009:

2009 great weather, and essentially trouble-free. Here’s the proof that it happened! See total funds raised at bottom of the page.


August 4th: 192 miles and the ride is over – survived, and now the really hard part begins…the fundraising.

2009 Photo Album

2009 Photo Album Link

Each year I consider the reasons to do this ride, and not to do it, and then during the ride, I’ll see someone, hear something that reminds me of how much this ride accomplishes and why it is so compelling. This year it came in the form of a sign,
held by a kid that said “I’m 8 because of you!”. Hard to beat that kind of reinforcement.

If you’re reading this and haven’t made a donation yet this year, please consider doing so at If you have made a donation – thanks!!!!!

Ride details:

Saturday: Earlier start 5:30am, finished 1pm. Power Gel every stop. John and Mary MacArthur volunteering at Mass Maritime finish was a nice treat.

Sunday:We started late, about 5:45 am – finished 11am with a 1 hour rest stop with the kids at Nickerson. Strong pace at 19mph or so for the day. My riding partners definitely push it.

Great weather both days.

Pre Ride Notes:

July 25, 2009: Getting started kinda late on this. Fundraising gets started and training continues…letters go out asap!

Here is my 2008 fundraising letter and pledge return form in .pdf;

Here’s the direct link to my eGift page where you can make a credit card donation:


Made out to “PMC Jimmy Fund” mailed to:

Charles Johnson

53 Main Street

Atkinson, NH 03811

Thanks for considering a donation to this extraordinary fundraising event.

Training Ride Log:

PMC09 Training

Other Training Rides:

  • 76 miles and 6000 vertical feet enroute to my folks in early July – cramped and had to be rescued.
  • 50 miles return from above trip – no cramps – no rescue
  • 65 miles July 21st in the rain around Madison CT
  • Various Mountain biking trips/rides to build strength, and have fun…

PMC 2008: Mission accomplished…

Another great ride. Day one saw me lagging behind Chris and Pete – while Day 2 was a complete rebirth and a great day to bang out a 20mph average pace.

Prior to ride notes:

We’ve been training all year…just ask Spencer and Annika…

PMC 2007: The Hot One

Post Ride: A great PMC, a bit hot, with some new team riders.

Highlights/notes on this year’s ride:

Saturday’s heat was in the upper 90s and plenty humid.

  • Saturday’s heat was in the upper 90s and plenty humid.  Consumed approximately 2 gallons of fluids over the day.  This was a tough one.
  • My fellow rider Johnny Phillips get’s the Boston Sunday Globe cover shot (see below) thanks to a fortuitous stop in the Porta-Potty that helped him time it just right.  Half-my face in the lower left of the picture…
  • Support from survivor’s along the route makes one remember why this event works.  Pictures of kids with Cancer makes me forget about whatever pain I’m experiencing.
  • Seeing Jody and the kids at a rest stop Sunday morning is an annual highlight and reminds me how lucky I am.
  • Sunday’s weather was perfect!  Redeemed Saturday.
  • Now the real challenge…fundrasing! See  My Rider Code is CJ0005.

Pre-Ride 2007:

Another year, another PMC coming soon! This will be my 14th year attempting to complete this puppy and to do my best to raise as much possible to support the Jimmy Fund.  If you’re a donor visiting this page – thanks again for your support. The fundraising
is a big part of this event and I can do it without you! A new bike this year may help the effort (or not).

Fundraising is open and eagerly accepted until October 1, 2007. Link here: My Rider Code is CJ0005. My fundraising letter is linked here.

PMC 2006:

Great Ride – despite being in the midst of a rather nasty cold contracted the week before Great weather! Even got a little face time during the televised (NECN) opening ceremonies.  Thanks to all those who have support the Jimmy Fund via the PMC
this year! I was able to help convey over $4000 to the Jimmy Fund through donor generosity.

Got to “hang” with Greg Lemond – Tour de France winner.

PMC 2005:

Another great year – but little pictorial evidence of our ride.  A record fundraising year $5500 to the Jimmy Fund.

Team Perini

My Fundraising History for the PMC

YearAmount RaisedRiderVolunteer
Total Fundraising$77,773.43