Smutty Nose Old Brown Dog

I started drinking this when it was a young pup. It was good then, and after binging on citral-hoppy, awesome IPAs and Quadruple IPAs for too long, I wanted to go back and see how this puppy was holding up against my newly sophisticated beer buds. Bottom line real quickRead More →

This is from the old site, a couple of friends still check in here… June 2009 Now trying to find a good morning ride in the Park City area during a quick SLC trip. A quick analysis of the rides in the area says the Town Loop Trail was the bestRead More →

My favorite pedal that I love to hate. I’ve been riding these pedals on and off for 8 years. Every so often I take a break, but I’ve found they’ve needed too much darn maintenance to keep them spinning like they should. When you ride the technical stuff north ofRead More →