RIDES > Aliso and Wood Canyons

Rating: 3.5 GPS/GPX download: Ask me for it


Last Ridden: January 2009
Weather: Trails not to miss: Rock It was VERY good down.

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After conferring with the bike shop folks at RocknRoad Cyclery (a great shop BTW), we ended up here for our day of riding carved out of a winter of MTB discontent. We were well rewarded with great scenery and some good climbs - and one AWESOME down (Rock It).

A lot of Western riding makes me appreciate how good we have it in some places back east. But our weather - well that's another story...

Other future and/or recommended rides seem will probably be in the Santa Ana Mountains - and include the San Juan Trail - a 4k or so ascent. A few iPHone pics below in the gallery...

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