With all the Covid-induced supply chain fears and realities – I thought I’d give a non-Shimano cassette a try during a drivetrain swap-out. I’m religious about certain gear choices, and like all aging codgers, swear by certain items. It would take a lot of evidence to pry me away fromRead More →

A new job and a beaten-down bike crystallized the moment to acquire a demo Pivot Switchblade in 2017. A glorious moment! Despite loving everything about the bike and being a much better bike than I arguably need for my skill level – I’ve longed for a return to the hubsRead More →

Never a small decision to make in the technical mountain biking dept – a pedal change is a game changer (for better or worse) and these new One-Up Aluminum jobbies are sah-weet. Why: The Canfields that I loved to hate had just gone through their 40th lubing in two monthsRead More →

The Big Agnes Fly Creek HV UL2 This tent was definitely in the splurge category. It was clear the tent was either going to be bulky and cheap, or light compact and expensive. I wanted to get a tent that could be easily carried on the bike and knew thereRead More →

My favorite pedal that I love to hate. I’ve been riding these pedals on and off for 8 years. Every so often I take a break, but I’ve found they’ve needed too much darn maintenance to keep them spinning like they should. When you ride the technical stuff north ofRead More →